No working day
without loupes

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    Dina Abakarova, dentist, therapist, periodontist
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    DentOptics, Russian Federation

I can’t imagine work without my indispensable helpers!

Every dentist, in order to accurately and efficiently carry out any treatments within the oral cavity, needs to increase their field of vision and provide themselves with adequate, high-quality, local lighting.

Magnifying loupes do an excellent job of this task: even with perfect vision it’s difficult to examine enamel microcracks, hidden carious cavities, the mouths of additional channels, enamel relief, assess the quality of polishing and the restoration's fit to tooth tissues, fix the fiberglass pin, conduct high-quality professional toothbrushing, etc., if you don't have magnification and additional lighting.

Moreover, ergonomics is crucial for the dentist in their work process. The correct layout of the workplace and correctly selected professional magnifying loupes will help relieve the load from the cervical and lumbar spine, since enlarging the view will allow you to keep a straight back without having to lean in closer to the patient.

The choice of suitable, professional optics is an important matter, so several considerations must be taken into account. I will share my experience and the principles used when selecting loupes.

For beginners working with loupes the most comfortable magnification is 2.3-2.8x, and within this range most manufacturers of professional loupes offer solutions. But choosing the right magnification is a subjective matter: There are doctors who are comfortable with 6x magnification, therefore, I repeat, this is an individual choice! Experience shows that, once you've started working with loupes, dentists will eventually change their optics to loupes with larger magnification or buy second loupes with a maximum magnification for precision work.

Next, you need to decide which system to choose: Flip Up (magnifiers located on the frame and attached to the glasses/helmet) or custom-made TTL (magnifiers that are built directly into the lenses of the glasses). All experts, including myself, agree on the fact that TTL or Through The Lens system is more convenient and comfortable for the eyes - it gives a larger field of view and depth of field, as the eyepieces are closer to the eye. Also, in this type of loupe more personal parameters are taken into account making them safe for sight.

When selecting lenses in a frame with loupes, the individual refraction of the doctor is assessed (the presence of myopia and its degree). This means that a doctor suffering from myopia can also use loupes comfortably.

At dental exhibitions, I’ve tested several models of loupes from leading manufacturers, and my choice fell on ExamVision. The clarity of vision, the light weight, the convenient fixation on the head, the quality of the light - no other companies can match.

Today, I perform almost all treatments with magnifying loupes: professional brushing, tooth restoration, canal treatment, fixing the pins, removing broken instruments from the canals, searching for additional channels, even fixing the rubber dam without the risk of injury to the gums with a metal clip, etc. And, of course, I can’t imagine my working day without my indispensable helpers!

Like any precise, high-tech equipment, magnifying loupes require special care and maintenance. In terms of service, the ExamVision Russia team, in my opinion, is impeccable and highly professional. A company representative will always arrive at any convenient time and provide the necessary technical support, replace worn parts, and correct the fit.

I am, like any professional who uses loupes in their practice, already thinking about acquiring loupes with a magnification of 5.7x - exclusively for endodontic work.

And, of course they will be from ExamVision!

Dina Abakarova, dentist, therapist, periodontist

Candidate of medical sciences, associate professor
Dental Clinic of Professor S.I. Abakarov.

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