The magnification gives
me control of the details

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    Malte Heinrich
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    Rønvig, Denmark

I believe that attention to detail is everything in dentistry. And the magnification allows me just that, control of the details.

As a dentist, I have experience in all areas of general dental treatment and procedures. In recent years I have worked with focus on mainly beautiful and durable restorations. I have used my Kepler Kompakt 4.6x, from ExamVision, for over 3 years now – as a perfect supplement to working with a fixed microscope. The loupe is a vital part of my daily dental work, and I simply couldn’t perform the way I do, without them.

Quality, ergonomics, and control are, for me, the most important requirements for dental equipment. With my 4.6x there is no need for compromise. The magnification gives me control of the details. I believe that attention to detail is everything in dentistry. And the magnification allows me just that, control of the details.

My favourite aspect of my loupes is the field of vision, both the size and clarity. The brightness and extreme sharpness of the image improves my focus, relieves my eyes, and brings me great work pleasure.

At the end of the day, the fact that the magnification and the angles are adjusted to my anatomy and working position results in a great relief for both my eyes and my neck.


Malte Heinrich, DDS, expert in direct and indirect restorative dentistry  
Aarhus Tandcenter, Denmark
Kepler Kompakt 4.6x & Focus True LED

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